Saturday 21 March 2015

Build Issues - Frame Stage (Wall)

Hi all,

I spotted a few more 'build issues' I need to add to the list so I thought I would share.

Here are the new issues I will raise: 

- Frame fastening bolt does not meet BCA tolerance and has cracked the edge of the slab due to the insertion angle

- Frame over hang to the rear of the garage. Approximately 80 mm. Something is seriously wrong here but I'm sure it will get rectified accordingly. 

- Replacement storm water pipe looks to be in the wrong position as the brick face the downpipe will be positioned on is only 450 mm wide, where as the pipe is 700 mm inwards from the edge of the garage. This places it right in front of the rear roller door. 


  1. Wow... 80mm overhang... that's ridiculous! Make sure that you get them to box it up and pour more concrete. I have heard many other proposals which are just crazy!

    Have you measured each of your rooms to make sure that they are the correct size? I would not be surprised if they are not.

    I hope that the storm-water pipe does not go under the slab. That will be a pain in the butt to fix.

    The non-compliant Ankascrew is any easy fix.

    1. Yea! It's strange because it seems to be deliberate as the rest of the house is all spot on. Will do thanks for the suggestion.

      No I haven't, unfortunately I had to fly out overseas so I will need to depend on our own inspector to do that.

      It does go under the slab but the location it was originally in (before they broke it) was correct and the plumbing under the slab is correct. Not sure what happened here.

      Good to hear it's an easy fix, really don't want to keep 'compromising' due to mistakes made by tradies.
